2021, acrylic, emulsion, collage and filler on found wood, 23x26x4cm
2022, acrylic, emulsion, gouache, collage, chalkboard paint and modelling paste on hardboard, 28x40cm
2021, acrylic, collage, filler, emulsion and gouache on plywood, 30x30cm
2022, acrylic, emulsion, gouache and modelling paste on hardboard, 28x40cm
2022, acrylic, emulsion, gouache and modelling paste on hardboard, 28x40cm
2022, acrylic, emulsion, gouache and modelling paste on hardboard, 28x40cm
2022, acrylic, collage, emulsion and filler on plywood, 31x28cm
2022, acrylic, emulsion, collage, felt tip, filler, and costume jewels on found plywood, 32x26cm
2022, acrylic, collage, gloss varnish, costume jewels, filler and chalkboard paint on plywood, 32x26cm
2021, acrylic, emulsion, collage and filler on plywood, 32x26x3cm
2022, acrylic, collage, filler and chalkboard paint on panel, 16x10cm
2022, acrylic, collage and filler on found plywood, 26x32cm
2022, acrylic, collage and filler on hardboard, 30x30cm
2020, acrylic, emulsion, filler and collage on plywood, 23x18x3cm
2020, acrylic, emulsion, filler and felt tip on sandpaper, 28x23cm
2021, acrylic, collage, gouache and filler on canvas board, 18x13cm
2021, acrylic, collage and filler on panel, 25x20cm
2021, acrylic on sandpaper, 28x23cm
2021, acrylic, chalkboard paint, collage and filler on wood, 29x24cm
2022, acrylic, collage and modelling paste on wood, 25x35cm
2021, acrylic, collage and filler on canvas board, 18x13cm
2021, acrylic, emulsion, filler and collage on found wood, 24x27x4cm
2021, acrylic, collage, gouache and filler on canvas board, 18x13cm
2021, acrylic, collage and filler on canvas board, 18x13cm
2021, acrylic, emulsion, collage and filler on plywood, 32x26x3cm
2021, acrylic and emulsion on sandpaper, 28x23cm
2021, acrylic, collage and filler on canvas board, 18x13cm
2021, acrylic, collage and filler on canvas board, 18x13cm
2021, acrylic, emulsion and filler on sandpaper, 28x23cm
2021, acrylic, collage and filler on canvas board, 18x13cm
2021, acrylic, collage and filler on canvas board, 18x13cm
2021, acrylic, emulsion, collage and filler on plywood, 33x28x3cm
2021, acrylic, emulsion and filler on sandpaper, 23x28cm
2021, acrylic, emulsion, collage and filler on panel, 27x21cm
2021, acrylic, emulsion, collage and filler on canvas board, 18x13cm
2021, acrylic, emulsion, collage and filler on plywood, 32x26x3cm
2020, acrylic and emulsion on sandpaper, 28x23cm
2022, acrylic and filler on sandpaper, 28x23cm
2021, acrylic, emulsion, collage and filler on found wood, 23x26x4cm
2022, acrylic, emulsion, gouache, collage, chalkboard paint and modelling paste on hardboard, 28x40cm
2021, acrylic, collage, filler, emulsion and gouache on plywood, 30x30cm
2022, acrylic, emulsion, gouache and modelling paste on hardboard, 28x40cm
2022, acrylic, emulsion, gouache and modelling paste on hardboard, 28x40cm
2022, acrylic, emulsion, gouache and modelling paste on hardboard, 28x40cm
2022, acrylic, collage, emulsion and filler on plywood, 31x28cm
2022, acrylic, emulsion, collage, felt tip, filler, and costume jewels on found plywood, 32x26cm
2022, acrylic, collage, gloss varnish, costume jewels, filler and chalkboard paint on plywood, 32x26cm
2021, acrylic, emulsion, collage and filler on plywood, 32x26x3cm
2022, acrylic, collage, filler and chalkboard paint on panel, 16x10cm
2022, acrylic, collage and filler on found plywood, 26x32cm
2022, acrylic, collage and filler on hardboard, 30x30cm
2020, acrylic, emulsion, filler and collage on plywood, 23x18x3cm
2020, acrylic, emulsion, filler and felt tip on sandpaper, 28x23cm
2021, acrylic, collage, gouache and filler on canvas board, 18x13cm
2021, acrylic, collage and filler on panel, 25x20cm
2021, acrylic on sandpaper, 28x23cm
2021, acrylic, chalkboard paint, collage and filler on wood, 29x24cm
2022, acrylic, collage and modelling paste on wood, 25x35cm
2021, acrylic, collage and filler on canvas board, 18x13cm
2021, acrylic, emulsion, filler and collage on found wood, 24x27x4cm
2021, acrylic, collage, gouache and filler on canvas board, 18x13cm
2021, acrylic, collage and filler on canvas board, 18x13cm
2021, acrylic, emulsion, collage and filler on plywood, 32x26x3cm
2021, acrylic and emulsion on sandpaper, 28x23cm
2021, acrylic, collage and filler on canvas board, 18x13cm
2021, acrylic, collage and filler on canvas board, 18x13cm
2021, acrylic, emulsion and filler on sandpaper, 28x23cm
2021, acrylic, collage and filler on canvas board, 18x13cm
2021, acrylic, collage and filler on canvas board, 18x13cm
2021, acrylic, emulsion, collage and filler on plywood, 33x28x3cm
2021, acrylic, emulsion and filler on sandpaper, 23x28cm
2021, acrylic, emulsion, collage and filler on panel, 27x21cm
2021, acrylic, emulsion, collage and filler on canvas board, 18x13cm
2021, acrylic, emulsion, collage and filler on plywood, 32x26x3cm
2020, acrylic and emulsion on sandpaper, 28x23cm
2022, acrylic and filler on sandpaper, 28x23cm